Posts Tagged ‘millbrook dam’

Lovely to see the dam starting to fill out now after being a building site for so long. Nature is starting to do what she does best and make the place look natural again and the habitat we wanted to create is starting to take shape. There’s plenty of stuff going on under the water as well you cant see !

Millbrook project

Posted: December 8, 2014 by Carrbrook Angling in Uncategorized
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Update on the Millbrook page about end of year activities and plans for the future


It has come to that time of year to renew your club membership for the 2014-2015 Season. The preferred method is to fill in the application form and bring it to the meeting on the 12thJune at Stamford golf club at 7pm onwards, with a valid rod licence and the fees that apply to you. If you are joining as an OAP or disabled member you will need to bring proof of ID. For up to date info of goings on visit the web address above or our facebook page

Tel:   07921 771602

Many thanks Gary Rothwell

(Club chairman)

New members and existing members £40

Concessionaries £30

Juniors £15

New page created to show the work we are doing on Millbok Dam Click here to view or click the link at the top of the page.

The Environment Agency came to Millbrook Dam to do our bio mass survey today.

As our members are aware we have been attempting to de-snag the dam for a few months now removing several van full’s of debris from the lake, from motor bikes to boats to just about everything you could imagine but unfortunately the EA’s nets were still catching on the last remaining snags we hadn’t managed to clear and they have to lift their nets over these snags and this stops us getting an 100% accurate figure as fish will escape under the nets.

Having said that the EA did a great job and everything they could to net as much as possible.

The result was quite a few large Carp and a small bag of silvers and Bream. What does this tell us ? Well even though only a percentage of fish were netted  it tells us we have a water with a good head of Carp and a small population of silver fish which is a quite good place for us to develop the water from.

All fish were returned to the water except for one small koi that was removed to a garden pond due to the risk they pose of spreading disease.

Before we stock we must now undertake an intense program of planting to create a habitat that will sustain a stock of fish and more importantly give any smaller fish cover from predators, If we were to stock now we would be basically feeding Goosanders and cormorants that we know visit this water.

We now know there is certainly a decent population of carp for anglers to go for and silvers could be caught with effort but maybe not the huge bags that we see on our other waters.

Below is a selection of pictures from the netting:

Well that’s the end of the work party’s for this year on Millbrook Dam.

Today’s work saw Boyd and Shaun pointing the stone work on the overflow …whilst me and Roy dug out more of the north bank and cleaned the car park and pathways .

We will be back working on there in the new year to get the lake ready for spring. Thanks to everyone who helped out and all the members who continue to support the club . Here’s to another successful year .

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

many thanks


Millbrook path clearence 2_1874652480_n

Having done prep work for the last few weekends we were ready to bring the big machinery in this Sunday and get some of the bigger jobs up and running.

We started by building an outlet, a slope onto the main beach area and a bridge over the old stream bed. We have then started the far bank extension and clearance and this will carry on next week.

All exciting stuff to see our plans come to fruition and as the winter goes by we hope to see lots more done.




So we now move into Winter and lots of anglers will put their tackle away but there is sport still to be had in the shape of good size silvers and the odd Carp will turn up from time to time for those willing to put the hours in.

Looking back it’s been a really positive season as we have taken a long term lease on Millbrook Dam and regular work parties will be held over the winter months with the aim of having the water in a more angler friendly condition by Spring with the likely-hood that we will have stocked or stocking plans will be in place.

A Bio Mass survey is booked with the EA and this will take place hopefully just after Xmas and this will give the club a definitive figure on stock thus allowing us to make informed decisions on stocking the water.

A comprehensive planting program is also planned for the Spring.

Unfortunately our affiliation with Walkerwood has ended with United Utilities deciding to end all fishing. We are in contact with United utilities and hope this is not the end for this venue.

Catches on our 3 waters have been very encouraging all season and we have seen growth in the fish we stocked year on year and we expect this will continue.

Several of the committee and bailiffs attended and evening organised jointly by the Angling Trust and EA to discuss fishery enforcement and as is the way with these things lots of other subject were also covered. These are always very useful to attend as new contacts can be made and a wealth of information that is useful to the club is available.

Below are a few pictures submitted in the last couple of months:

A few more Carp caught over the last week or so

millbrook ian









millbrook carp









above: Ian and Boyd with a Millbrook Carp

Below: Alan strikes again with another Rainwater Carp

alan strikes again